Our Philosophy

We believe people need to be treated as individuals and, as such, we avoid a “one size fits all” approach. We focus on tailoring a treatment program to each individual that is specific to his or her needs. We embrace clients with circumstances that are not typically accepted or even addressed in other treatment programs. Our program began by local resident and therapist Laura J. Halford in 2004 as an alternative for those who wished to pursue recovery in a program that was not based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. As a third generation provider of substance abuse treatment and 15 years in the field of Seattle addiction and recovery she was well acquainted with the culture of the Puget Sound and the unique issues affecting both providers and recipients of counseling for substance abuse. We know that substance abuse is a coping problem that at one time in a person’s life did not cause difficulty and was quite helpful in taking the edge off difficult times and problems. The progressive nature of addiction eventually led to enough problems that the substance use itself became the primary problem and eroded a high quality of life. Using a thorough assessment we help identify the appropriate level of care specific to the needs of the individual.

Alcohol and Drug Treatment

We provide an alternative treatment process using best practices counseling approaches, ongoing clinical consultation and training, and models of counseling known as Stages Of Change, Motivational Enhancement and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Individuals who seek our help are motivated, want something different and they desire to be with others who are in treatment because they want to change their lives.

We carefully screen potential clients to enable us to identify those individuals who are ready to make a personal investment in their recovery and future. These clients are not only ready to make positive changes in their lives, but also add significant value to others in our group therapy sessions through their insight and life lessons.

Empowering your recovery

We empower people in the assessment process by taking time to listen and gather a careful history that may take more than one session to complete. By the end of that process we are able to offer more than one recommendation for treatment and counseling. Our treatment approach is informational and holistic and focuses on a multitude of topics essential to developing insight and awareness.

Counseling is done respectfully, free of heavy-handed confrontation and pressure to join a particular belief system. We strongly encourage a balanced lifestyle during the recovery process, and work closely with our clients and their partners to develop a multi-pronged approach that is client-specific, and includes mental, emotional, spiritual and physical recovery.


alcohol and drug treatment in Bellevue, Seattle

Preparing a person to learn and grow while in alcohol and drug treatment starts with the process of exploring patterns of behavior and themes prevalent in one’s life. As awareness of these themes emerges a person feels empowered and motivated to redirect their life. Our groups provide more support for redirecting one’s life with the practice of a mindfulness exercise, a valuable tool in reducing relapse. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing the mind. When a person is able to shift from feelings of guilt, shame or remorse associated with one’s past or from fear and anxiety that come with over focus on the future and take command of their minds a settled mind begins to emerge.

Preventing relapse

Our arsenal in strengthening against relapse continues with people learning to be effective in relationships, which begins with identifying personal boundaries. Learning to more effectively manage intense emotions in their relationships helps people become confident in dealing with uncomfortable feelings such as anger, abandonment and impatience that contribute to low self esteem.

Relapses erode excitement for recovery over time. The more a person is able to tolerate difficult emotions in hard times the more capable a person feels to ride out distressing thoughts and feelings towards a state that is less upsetting, which makes the hard times easier to get through. A strong mind, a strengthened will and a culture of awareness and personal growth that begins in treatment are steps towards lasting and positive change.

alcohol and drug treatment in Bellevue

Reach out today

Call us to make an appointment, or click here to fill send us a message through our contact form.

Treatment Homework
We refer people to 12 step programs if that is a self- help model they would like to pursue where they can work the steps with their personal sponsor instead of with a professionally trained counselor.