Four Simple Phrases to transform Anything

In ancient Hawaiian beliefs, it was thought that a person’s mistakes could cause illness.  The practice of reconciliation and forgiveness known as Ho’oponopono was believed to be a means of coming clean about secrets being held that were causing a person to be sick psychically as well as physically.  Addiction and mental illness bring along a lot of hurt feelings and plenty of misunderstanding.  This simple ritual is one I use often in my practice with couples, it goes very simply like this:


I love you

I am sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you


Imagine hearing those words after suffering under the weight of guilt, shame and remorse.  These three states cause so much injury to the heart and soul.  To practice discussion, confession, taking responsibility, making restitution and then forgiving is the healing salve we all need from time to time.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Laura J. Halford, CDP, LMHC